Mission Statement
The Public Safety Committee addresses issues pertinent to the well-being of the Encino community, including disaster prepardness, crime prevention, and public health. Working with various city entities and programs, including; CPR and First Aid classes, CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) training, earthquake and fire preparedness, Neighborhood Watch, CPAB (Community Police Advisory Board), and the area LA County Supervisor working directly the the LA County Public Health Department, LAHop regarding homelessness.
Committee Chair(s): *Roy Nwaisser
Email: roy-enc@outlook.com
Public Safety Representative: Roy Nwaisser
Public Safety Alternate: Vacant
Voting Committee Members:
1-*Roy Nwaisser, Chair
2-*Joshua Sautter
3-*Kelvin Tolbert
4-*Robert Wenger
5-*Diane Rosen
6- Varant Majarian: COCC
Alternate Committee Members:
*Denotes Board Member/Alternate (maximum 5 allowed)
COCC: Denotes Stakeholder Code of Conduct Training Completed
The maximum number of Board/Alternate Members on any Committee is five. The maximum number of total Committee Members, including Stakeholders is nine, however there may also be up to three Alternate Committee Members (either Board/Alternate Members or Stakeholders).
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