Mission Statement
The Encino Neighborhood Council (ENC) Education Committee’s mission is dedicated to fostering a strong connection between local schools, families and the community. We advocate for quality education, student safety, support school initiatives and collaborate with educators, parents, and stakeholders to enhance academic and enrichment opportunities for all students.
Our goal is to promote educational excellence through cultivating school partnerships & family engagement to improve student outcomes.
Committee Chair(s): *Geraldine Hernandez-Abisror
Email: [email protected]
Education Representative: Geraldine Hernandez-Abisror
Voting Committee Members:
1. Geraldine Abisror- Hernandez, Chair, Education Representative Board Member
2. Amy Petry, Principal
3. JoAnne Narcisse, Parent stakeholder /PTA Executive Board
4. Shelley Rivlin, Community stakeholder/former ENC Education Rep, Retired Educator
5. Varant Majarian, Community Stakeholder
Alternate Committee Members:
*Denotes Board Member/Alternate (maximum 5 allowed)
COCC: Denotes Stakeholder Code of Conduct Training Completed
The maximum number of Board/Alternate Members on any Committee is five. The maximum number of total Committee Members, including Stakeholders is nine, however there may also be up to three Alternate Committee Members (either Board/Alternate Members or Stakeholders).
If you would like to be notified of our meetings and receive agendas via email, click here and sign up by checking the Encino Neighborhood Council box..