Mission Statement
The Finance Committee will make recommendations to the Board on all aspects of financial matters, including preparation of the budget and proposed expenditures.
Committee Chair(s): *Laure Stevens, *Glenn Bailey
Email: lstevensencino@gmail.com, glennbaileyenc@yahoo.com
Voting Committee Members:
1-*Laure Stevens, Chair
2-*Glenn Bailey, Chair
3-*Roy Nwaisser
4-*Diane Rosen
5-*Geraldine Hernandez-Abisror
6- Varant Majarian: COCC
Alternate Committee Members:
1-*Anni Keusseyan
*: Denotes Board Member/Alternate (maximum 5 allowed)
COCC: Denotes Stakeholder Code of Conduct Training Completed
The maximum number of Board/Alternate Members on any Committee is five. The maximum number of total Committee Members, including Stakeholders is nine, however there may also be up to three Alternate Committee Members (either Board/Alternate Members or Stakeholders).
Please note that in addition to other requirements found in the Applicant Informationfor obtaining a Neighborhood Purposes Grant (NPG), the Encino neighborhood council will also consider whether your non-profit organization is in good standing with State and Federal agencies including but not limited to the California Attorney General, the California Secretary of State, the California Franchise Tax Board and the Internal Revenue Service. Please be sure you are in compliance before submitting an application. The Board also will be concerned with how your grant project will benefit the Encino area and its stakeholders.
All NPG forms are on the Los Angeles City Clerk Website - Applicant information for Neighborhood Purposes Grants including Information Packet for Applicants, Neighborhood Purposes Grant Application Form, and NPFG completion Report Form may be found at:
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